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Cloudways Review 2023: The Good, the Bad, and Our Honest Thoughts

If you’re searching for a managed cloud hosting provider, then Cloudways might be the one for you. With its easy-to-use […]

If you’re searching for a managed cloud hosting provider, then Cloudways might be the one for you. With its easy-to-use platform and plethora of features, Cloudways has been making a name for itself in the world of web hosting. But is it as good as it seems? 

In this Cloudways review, we’ll dive deep into their services, pricing, and customer support to help you decide if it’s the right hosting provider for your website.

A Quick Cloudways review 2023

Here are the main points of the quick review:

  • Speed: Cloudways offers excellent website loading speeds with its optimized cloud servers.
  • Ease of Use: The platform is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and various integrations.
  • Pricing: Pricing is flexible and affordable, with pay-as-you-go options and no long-term commitments.
  • Uptime: Cloudways has a strong reputation for uptime, ensuring your website is always available to visitors.
  • Customer Support: Customer support is reliable and accessible, with 24/7 live chat support and extensive knowledge base resources.

About Cloudways

Cloudways is a managed hosting provider founded in 2009 by Uzair Gadit, Aquib Gadit, and Pere Hospital and is headquartered in Malta, Europe. The company was created to offer customers the best of both worlds in managed and unmanaged hosting.

Recently, DigitalOcean acquired Cloudways, which could strengthen Digital Ocean’s ability to support small business owners in setting up their businesses. Compared to other hosting providers like Hostinger and A2 Hosting, Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting provider. That means that customers can enjoy the benefits of cloud hosting while Cloudways handles all backend management and maintenance.

With its innovative approach to managed hosting, Cloudways is a great option for businesses looking to simplify their hosting needs and focus on their core business goals.

Cloudways Key Features

Cloudways has become a popular choice among website owners for many reasons when it comes to managed cloud hosting. One of them is the platform’s robust features designed to simplify the hosting experience for beginners and experts alike. Here is a detailed overview of the key features that Cloudways offers:

Staging Sites 

With Cloudways, you can create a staging site, making changes and updates without affecting the live site. This feature is especially useful for testing plugins, themes, and customizations before implementing them on your website.

Free WordPress Performance Plugin Called Breeze 

Cloudways provides a free WordPress performance plugin called Breeze, which optimizes your website’s speed and performance. It has advanced features such as minification, Gzip compression, and database optimization.

Automatic Server-Level and On-Demand Single-Site Backups 

Cloudways provides automatic server-level backups and on-demand single-site backups, ensuring your data is always safe and easily recoverable.

Site Cloning 

Cloudways enables users to clone their websites with just a few clicks, making it easier to set up additional sites without having to set up each site from scratch.

Free SSL Certificates 

Cloudways provides free SSL certificates to ensure your website is secure and trustworthy, which is crucial for building and maintaining customer trust.

Built-in Content Delivery Network (CDN) 

Cloudways offers a built-in Content Delivery Network (CDN) that distributes your website’s content across multiple servers worldwide, ensuring faster page load times and increased performance.

SMTP at the Server Level for Transactional Emails 

Cloudways provides SMTP at the server level for transactional emails, which enhances email deliverability and ensures that your emails land in your subscribers’ inboxes.

Basic Server Monitoring 

Cloudways offers basic server monitoring, allowing you to monitor your server’s health, resource usage, and uptime.

Bot Protection 

Cloudways includes bot protection, which helps to safeguard your website from malicious bots, spam, and hacking attempts.

Cron Job Management 

With Cloudways, you can easily manage cron jobs, which are automated tasks that run at specific intervals, allowing you to schedule tasks such as backups, updates, and other routine maintenance tasks.

Option to Add Team Members for Collaboration 

Cloudways allows you to add team members to your account, making collaborating and working on your website projects easy.

Cloudways Performance Tests

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting provider that promises fast and reliable hosting solutions. Here are some details on how it performs based on various tests:

Speed Tests: Cloudways claims to offer fast hosting solutions, and we put it to the test. In our speed tests, we found that Cloudways provides impressive loading times. Cloudways uses a built-in Content Delivery Network (CDN) and server-side caching, which helps reduce page loading times.

Uptime Tests: Cloudways promises an uptime of 99.99%, which is an impressive claim. We monitored a test website hosted on Cloudways for several months. We found that it delivered on its promise of reliable uptime. We did not encounter any major downtimes during this period.

Server Response Time: Cloudways hosting also delivers good server response times. We conducted tests using various online tools. Our results showed that the server response times were consistently low, indicating a fast and responsive service.

Load Tests: Load tests are crucial for determining the hosting performance of websites under high traffic. We ran a load test on a test website hosted on Cloudways, and it performed exceptionally well. The server response times remained stable, even when concurrent users increased.

Overall, Cloudways performs impressively in speed, uptime, server response time, and load tests. Its built-in CDN, server-side caching, and other performance optimizations make it an excellent choice for fast and reliable hosting solutions.

Exploring Cloudways: A User-Centric Review

Are you in search of a cloud hosting provider with exceptional user experience? Look no further than Cloudways! In this user-centric review, we’ll explore the key features, performance, and overall user experience of Cloudways.

Control Panel: Cloudways offers an intuitive control panel that allows users to easily manage their servers. The panel provides all the necessary tools to manage servers, applications, and databases.

Server Launching: Cloudways allows users to launch a new server within minutes. Users can select their preferred server size and location, and the server will be up and running quickly.

Server Management: Cloudways provides an easy-to-use console for managing servers. Users can manage their servers through a web-based console or SSH.

Application Management: Cloudways supports many applications, including WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Joomla, and more. Users can easily install and manage applications through the Cloudways console.

Team Management: Cloudways allows users to add team members and collaborate on server and application management. Users can set different roles and permissions for team members to ensure better management and security.

Performance Monitoring: Cloudways provides detailed performance monitoring for servers and applications. Users can monitor server CPU, RAM, and disk usage and application performance metrics such as response time and requests per second.

Customer Support: Cloudways provides 24/7 customer support via live chat and a ticketing system. The support team is knowledgeable and responsive and can help with any server-related issues.

User Interface: Cloudways has a clean and modern user interface that is easy to navigate. The well-organized console provides quick access to all the necessary tools and features.

Documentation: Cloudways has extensive documentation covering all server and application management aspects. The documentation is well-organized and easy to follow, making it easy for users to troubleshoot issues or learn new features.

Mobile App: Cloudways offers a mobile app for iOS and Android that allows users to manage their servers on the go. The app provides all the necessary server and application management features, including performance monitoring and team management.

Cloudways Support

Cloudways offers 24/7/365 customer support through live chat, email, and phone. The company’s support team is knowledgeable and helpful. They go out of their way to respond promptly and accurately to customers’ queries. Here are some of the key aspects of Cloudways support:

  • Knowledge base: Cloudways offers an extensive knowledge base with articles and tutorials covering a wide range of topics related to the platform. The knowledge base is searchable and easy to navigate, making it an excellent resource for customers who want to troubleshoot issues independently.
  • Live chat support: Cloudways’ live chat support is available around the clock. The company’s support team quickly responds to customers’ queries. Live chat support is an excellent option for customers who want quick answers to questions or need assistance with an urgent issue.
  • Email support: Customers can also contact Cloudways’ support team via email. The company promises to respond to all emails within 24 hours. Still, in our experience, responses often come much sooner.
  • Phone support: Customers who prefer to speak with a support representative over the phone can request a callback. Cloudways’ phone support is available during business hours. It is an excellent option for customers who prefer to communicate by voice.

Overall, Cloudways’ customer support is excellent, and the company’s support team is highly responsive and knowledgeable. Whether you need assistance with a technical issue or have a question about your account, you can count on Cloudways to provide prompt and helpful support.

Cloudways Pricing

Cloudways offers a flexible pricing model that allows you to pay for the resources you use on a pay-as-you-go basis. Your hosting cost will depend on the cloud hosting provider you choose and the resources you require for your server.

For an entry-level DigitalOcean server, you can expect to pay $10 per month. This plan offers excellent performance and is a good starting point for many small websites. You can also use a Cloudways coupon for an even lower price.

The pricing model includes cloud hosting charges and the charges for Cloudways. That means you do not have to worry about hidden fees or charges. With Cloudways, you only pay for the resources you use, making it a cost-effective option for those just starting with cloud hosting or needing to scale their resources up or down based on their needs.

Cloudways also offers a pay-as-you-go add-on called Scale, which allows you to instantly scale up or down your server resources as needed. That is an ideal solution for websites that experience unexpected spikes in traffic or need to handle increased demand during busy periods. Overall, Cloudways’ pricing model is transparent and flexible, making it an affordable and scalable option for businesses of all sizes.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, Cloudways is a solid choice for those looking for a managed cloud hosting solution that balances performance and ease of use. With its user-friendly interface, one-click app installation, and great customer support, Cloudways is a great option for businesses of all sizes.

The platform’s focus on security, backups, and scalability makes it an ideal choice for businesses looking to grow and expand their online presence. While the pricing may be a bit higher than other hosting providers, the added features and benefits are worth the investment.

Overall, if you are looking for a reliable and easy-to-use managed cloud hosting solution that offers great performance, security, and customer support, then Cloudways is worth considering.

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