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About Us

Welcome to Where We Turn Digital Dreams into Reality!

Listen up, folks! At, we’re not just your run-of-the-mill digital marketing agency. We’re your strategic partners in the epic journey towards online domination. With an insatiable hunger for greatness and a knack for cutting-edge innovation, we’re here to catapult your business into the digital stratosphere.

Our mission? Simple. We’re here to arm brands like yours with the tools, strategies, and sheer hustle needed to conquer the digital realm. Whether you’re a scrappy startup or a seasoned player, we’ve got the chops, the creativity, and the relentless drive to take your online presence to unprecedented heights.

But hey, don’t just take my word for it. Let me introduce you to the rockstar team behind, ready to roll up their sleeves and make your digital dreams a reality.

Our Most Expert Team

Our most expert team is on it, bringing their exceptional skills and dedication to ensure top-quality results. Trust in their expertise for the best possible outcome.

RankRoute Team Member

Z. Hashan

Founder & SEO Enthusiast

RankRoute Team Member

Sijan Ahmed

Web Developer & SEO Expert

RankRoute Team Member

Mitab Sany

Web Developer

RankRoute Team Member

Mosud R S

UI UX Designer

RankRoute Team Member

Mahfuja Akter

Graphic Designer

RankRoute Team Member

MD Imran

Content Writer

Our Most Expert Team

Our most expert team is on it, bringing their exceptional skills and dedication to ensure top-quality results. Trust in their expertise for the best possible outcome.

About the owner of RankRoute

RankRoute is owned by Z. Hashan and Sijan Ahmed. More information about them is provided below.

Z. Hashan As:
The Visionary Behind RankRoute

Meet Hashan As, the driving force behind His journey? A symphony of pixels, code, and relentless ambition. Let’s dive into the chapters that shaped him: 

Z Hashan

Education Unleashed:

  • Hashan holds a BSc in Engineering from North South University—a foundation that ignited his curiosity.
  • But he didn’t stop there. LL.B from Central Law College? Check. SEO certifications from global giants like Google, EdX, and SEMRUSH? Double-check.
  • Hashan’s hunger for knowledge became the bedrock of his digital prowess.

12 Years and Counting:

  • Imagine a digital landscape where Hashan’s footprints span continents. For over 12 years, he’s been the compass guiding businesses toward digital growth.
  • His secret? Multiple Amazon-based niche websites—each a testament to his strategic wizardry.
  • Whether it’s SEO sorcery or brand alchemy, Hashan weaves magic.

Global Footprints:

  • Hashan doesn’t think in borders; he thinks in bytes. His services? Stretched across the globe.
  • From startups to conglomerates, he’s the architect of digital success stories.
  • So, when you see RankRoute’s impact, know that Hashan’s fingerprints are all over it.

The CEO Who Dreams Big:

  • Hashan doesn’t settle; he dreams. His vision? To sculpt brands into legends.
  • He’s not just a CEO; he’s a digital maestro orchestrating symphonies of growth.
  • And as the sun rises on RankRoute, Hashan stands at the helm, ready to conquer pixels, one click at a time.

Remember, behind every great brand, there’s a visionary. Hashan As? He’s the North Star guiding RankRoute to digital greatness.

Sijan Ahmed: Where Creativity Meets Strategy

Meet Sijan Ahmed—the heartbeat of RankRoute’s design, SEO, and marketing endeavors. For four years, he’s been our secret weapon—a blend of artistic flair and analytical precision.

Sijan Ahmed

Design Alchemist

  • Sijan doesn’t just design; he conjures visual magic. His canvas? Websites that breathe, logos that resonate, and graphics that tell stories.
  • Whether it’s a minimalist landing page or an intricate brand identity, Sijan’s pixels dance to their own rhythm.

SEO Whisperer

  • Algorithms? He speaks their language. Sijan’s SEO game is like a chess match with Google. He strategizes, optimizes, and maneuvers our clients to the top.
  • From keyword research to backlink sorcery, Sijan ensures our clients’ digital footprints leave a lasting impression.

Marketing Enthusiast

  • Sijan doesn’t just market; he orchestrates symphonies. His campaigns? They’re not mere ads; they’re invitations to dance.
  • And here’s the twist: Sijan’s not just a local maestro. He’s a global conductor. Upwork? Yep, he’s been there, dealing with clients from every corner of the world.

Upwork Odyssey

  • Picture this: Sijan, in Kathmandu, Nepal, sipping chai, negotiating with a client in Germany. Time zones? Mere details.

Face-to-face meetings? Rare. But video calls? Frequent. Sijan’s screen lights up with international connections.

So, when you see RankRoute’s seamless blend of aesthetics and strategy, know that Sijan’s fingerprints are all over it. He’s not just a team member; he’s our creative compass.

Why Rankroute?

When you’re gunning for digital success, RankRoute isn’t just another agency. We’re your ride-or-die partner, your co-pilot on this wild journey.

We’re Not Just About…

Designing Websites: Nah, that’s child’s play. We’re architects of digital experiences. We craft websites that don’t just load; they ignite curiosity. Your brand? It’s about to get a digital facelift.

Running Campaigns: Anyone can hit “Boost Post” on Facebook. But we? We’re the maestros of targeted precision. We dissect data like a hungry lion tearing into a gazelle. Our campaigns? They’re laser-guided missiles aimed at your audience’s hearts.

Paving the Way: We’re not laying bricks; we’re building highways. Your brand? It’s not just shining; it’s blinding. We merge the artistry of graphic design with the nerdy wizardry of web development. And that strategic insight? It’s our secret sauce.

So Buckle Up!

Your brand’s about to take off. The runway? It’s RankRoute. We’re not just following the route; we’re creating it. 

Ready to soar? Let’s chat! Learn About our hustle, our grind, and our obsession with your success. 

Remember, my friend, it’s not about the destination; it’s about the damn journey!

Our Clients

We have served over 50 clients in 20 countries

Our Clients

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